Kanban Digest #13, c’est le meilleur du #Kanban vu sur le web cette semaine

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@ourfounder The longer the plans,the greater the assumptions, the greater the risk. Don’t let false certainty rule you. #management #lean #kanban #agile
@davidjbland We’re seeing a collision of execution processes designed to minimize variability with innovation processes designed to maximize variability
@hakanforss Resource efficiency path to the dark side is. Flow efficiency path of righteousness is. May the Forss be with you #LKNAign #LeanLEGO #kanban
@cyetain To be sustainable improvements need to be… « good for the customer, for the organisation and for the people in it » ~@asplake
@jaa_dja #Deming changed Shewhart’s language for pedagogical reasons. I changed #Kanban language away from arcane #lean terms to encourage adoption
Avec un exemple jaa_dja #lean « standard operating procedure » == « make policies explicit » #kanban
@klausleopold » #Kanban is not a solution. It helps you figure out where the problems are.